Inviting our partners into the menstrual conversation with Charlotte Pointeaux
⭐️ Doors are currently open for Charlotte's First Moon Circle training that I've taken. It will teach you how to hold safe space for those about to get their period for the first time. I highly recommend it. We need more people doing this work!
Send me a message if you have any questions about it - I'm happy to answer them
or head to https://firstmooncircleschool.com/training/ for more info.
👉 Charlotte Pointeaux is an Internationally Award-Winning Menstrual Cycle and Feminine Embodiment Coach, Host of Wild Flow Podcast, and Founder of First Moon Circle School which trains menstrual educators for children globally.
Charlotte empowers children and parents on the transformative journey of puberty and being initiated into the menstrual cycle years. As a mum of three leading a thriving online business, Charlotte understands the unique challenges and opportunities of parenting in harmony with the menstrual cycle. Guided by her expertise, families embrace the cycle's power, and support their daughters to feel confident, prepared, and fully supported through puberty and their first periods. She is passionate about mums and daughters celebrating their cyclical nature, rather than fighting against it!
We talked about;
How we both feel on day 18 of our cycle (yes we are cycle synched!)
How to show our daughters and sons an example of honest womanhood
Why the busy hustle culture doesn't serve us anymore
How to start the conversation [about our cyclical needs/desires] with our partner
How it all starts with us, the Mother in the home, and how we need to do the inner work first
About her (amazing!) first moon circles that helps women
Connect with Charlotte;
A woman's guide to more energy
If you struggle with exhaustion, feel depleted or struggle to keep up with the demands of daily life - this is for you.
Finally UNDERSTAND your body's cycle, how to work with it, not against it, and what your (depleted, exhausted) self actually needs to be energised and healthy.
Here's what you'll get:
- 5 ways to boost your energy naturally
- Downloadable guide
- Access to trainings
- Link to the hormone quiz to find out where your hormones sit on the scale
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The podcast for mothers ready to re-balance their hormones & their life
Join Mama and hormone practitioner Monique Dickson as she explores how to re-balance your hormones, regain your energy and replenish your body, by making changes to the way you understand yourself, and feed your body.
Monique has 4 children, and a husband and lives on land in rural NZ. She now aligns her life, business, food, and parenting with her menstrual cycle. In this podcast, she'll teach you the tried and tested ways of re-balancing your hormones.
When you live a life with balanced hormones, EVERYTHING gets easier, you find the energy you need to be the mama you wanted to be, you'll have the focus to complete the tasks you want and the emotional stability to be present with your loved ones.